
Despite having formed another organisation, Baby Subramaniam

Despite having formed another organisation, Baby Subramaniam had joined the LTTE during its early years (prior to the historic Thirunelveli attack of 1983). A senior member of the LTTE, Baby Subramaniam was the Head of the Tamil Eelam Education Department but also had a crucial role in archival processes. Baby Subramaniam was known to possess rare sources with valuable information. Some such sources include those dating back to the 1830s from the British colonial administration period and the 1980s when Tamils were evicted from their villages. The enforced disappearance of individuals such as Baby Subramaniam combined with censorship and data destruction have left Tamils in a deprived state, where we are lacking in such sources, thus emphasising the importance of archival in protecting our history.


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