
Day 9: Thileepans body was starting to become weaker

Day 9: Thileepans body was starting to become weaker. His lips too got worse. Over 5000 people had arrived this morning. Thileepan could not open his eyes. Indian Army Southern Regional Commander Dibender Singh visited Prabhakaran. The first one-hour talk ended in failure. The second round of the talk began at 1 o´clock in the afternoon. Indian Ambassador JN Dixit, Dibender Singh, Indian Embassy Security Gupta at the one side and LTTE leader Prabhakaran, Commander Mataiah, Political Adviser Anton Balasingam and advocate Kodeeswaran at the other side. The talks ended in failure again.
The journey will continue …..

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Day 9 ஒன்பதாவது நாள் முழு அறிக்கை

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