
Chunnakam Policestation massacre­ 08.01.1984

Chunnakam is in the Uduvil Assistant Government Agent Division in the Jaffna district. Ten Kms from Jaffna town, on the KKS road, traveling  towards Kankesanthurai, there is the Chunnakam junction. The Chunnakam Police station was located 250 metres south from this junction. Many young men arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act without any evidence against them were kept in remand in the Chunnakam Police Station.

On 08.01.1984, during the period when Tamil militant attacks on the Sri Lankan military started to spread, the Police placed a time bomb in the room where the young men were kept and left the building. When the bomb exploded all 19 young men inside was killed. Sanjeevan who went in to save the young men was also killed.


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