Sri Lankan government announced the Sinhala Only Bill, (1956), act passed by the government of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) making Sinhalese the official language of the country. On the ninth Independence Day of Sri Lanka (04.02.1957), Tamils boycotted the Independence Day of Sri Lanka throughout the Tamil Nation in protest against the “Sinhala-only” Law.
22 year old Thiyagi Nadarajan attempted to remove the SriLankan flag and replace it with the black flag. F. G. Manuel, and DeSilva(Police officers) shot Nadarajan. The incident in which he fell to the ground with the national flag shook the native Tamils in the North East of Sri Lanka.
When Thiyagi Nadarajan, who was involved in the non-violent struggle, was shot dead, the Tamil Eelam National Leader was then only 3 years old.
Thiyagi Nadarajan, who was killed in a police firing in Trincomalee on February 4, 1957, exactly nine years after Sri Lanka’s independence. It has been 64 years since the first Thiyagi was shot.