There were 12 bodies of martyrs ready on the top of burning wreckage in Valvettithurai.
“India will help our people – with that faith we put down our firearms. Now we raise them up again.”’ – A loud voice came out. The firearm were raised above. The hunts for honor marched in red as the sky tore.
The India – Eelam War had begun.
The Indian Army could move forward from Navatkuli camp anytime. Fifteen women fighters were ready for this in Koppay. They had AK 47, which was urgently delivered a couple of days ago. They only had one bulletbag. Not everyone had one. Others tied bullets in knots, with shells.
2nd Lt. Malathy, 2nd Lt. Kasthuri, the other fighters Viji, Jena, Daya and Ranji were in ready position. Fighting broke out between the Indian Army and the LTTE women fighters. Heavy fighting. The battle went on until the bullets were gone. The women fighters was unable to stand and fight with the big Indian Army who came in large numbers with more great force. The situation began to push the women fighters back towards the Koppay.
Malathy had a wound in her throat. She could not walk. The army was approaching. Viji was trying to drag Malathy away. She could not. Deciding that she would not be lost in the war with the Indian Army, Malathy drank cyanide. “Let go of me and take the weapons and give it to our leader” – was Malathy´s last word. She was the first women fighter who became a martyr.
After the “Surya Kathir – 1” battle, the LTTE´s Women Regiment became 2nd Lt. Malathy Regiment.
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From the LTTE (March, 2006) magazine.