Elders’ Home inaugurated in Ki’linochchi
In a simple yet emotionally-charged ceremony of significance, Mathivathani Pirapaharan, wife of LTTE leader Velupillai Pirapaharan, inaugurated the new hostel block of the Anpuchchoalai Elders’ Home in Ki’linochchi A’riviyal Nakar this Sunday. In one of her rare public appearances, she cut the ribbon and declared open the new wing of the Elders’ Home. The event was well-attended by key Tamil Tiger functionaries.
The Home caters to the need of the elderly Tamils who have lost their bread-winning sons and daughters because of Sri Lankan military offensives. It presently houses 53 aged people, including 28 women.
The inauguration event was presided over by Thirukkumaran, head of the Welfare Centre for Heroes’ Families. Pon Thiyagam, director of the Secretariat of Tamil Eelam Heroes’ Resting Homes lit the Common Flame and LTTE Political Head B. Nadesan hoisted the national flag of Tamil Eelam.
After the building was formally declared open, Isaichelvi Thamilchelvan, wife of late Brig. S. P. Thamilchelvan, former LTTE political head, garlanded his photo and lit the lamp. Mrs. Mathivathani Pirapaharan, Rev. Francis Joseph, and others also garlanded Thamilchelvan’s photo and paid homage to the slain political leader.
Kuha Sankar, wife of late Col. Sankar, the founding head of Air Tigers, planted a sapling to mark the occasion. Cultural performances were subsequently staged.
K. V. Balakumaran, a senior LTTE leader, Puthuvai Irtahinathurai, head of the Art and Cultural Division of the LTTE, Mr. Karikalan, Director of the Tamil Eelam Economic and Development Organization (TEEDOR), LTTE officials and religious leaders participated in this public event.