
With the 31st memorial day of the Sathurukkondan massacre (1990.09.09 – 2021.09.09)

With the 31st memorial day of the Sathurukkondan massacre (1990.09.09 – 2021.09.09)
Sathurukondan is a village about 2 km north of Batticaloa.
During the civil war in the early 1990s, the people of the village fled from their homes and took refuge in public places due to the aggression by the Sri Lankan military. A massive army camp was set up by the Sri Lankan Army in this village. The army then called for the resettlement of the people. The people believed in the Army and took back to their village. But in 1990.09.09 the Sri Lankan Army, the Muslim Jihad group and the police of the village arrested the people and killed them!

Among those arrested were 85 women.

All the women arrested were raped by hundreds of soldiers and Muslim jihadists and their breasts, arms and legs were cut off before they were murdered.
All 68 children, including 5 babies arrested, were subjected to severe torture before they were murdered. About 17 men were tortured to death. In total, 205 people were killed in the massacre in Sathurukondan.
We remember with tears this another massacre of genocidal staged by the Sri Lankan army.
We worship our slain families in our hearts.
 “We will not forget and we will not forgive”

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