Tharmapuram is a village in the area of Kandavalai in the Kilinochchi district in Tamil Eelam. Tharmapuram is a village with about 618 families, and was established in 1958. Tharmapuram has its place on the A35 Highway from Nettali Aathu and 15 km west of Paranthan, and the village is 618 acres.
The village Tharmapuram was established in 1958 during the period of Ellalan. The Tamil had been displaced from Anuradhapuram and various parts of Sri Lanka during the ethnic conflict in our country since 1951. Especially the Tamil people have been living all over Sri Lanka since prehistoric times. When Anuradhapuram was the capital during the Ellalan rule, Tamils lived everywhere in Anuradhapuram. Hindu Temples and village traditions are still found in Tharmapuram as evidence of this. But most of the people who were expelled from Anuradhapuram in the ethnic conflict have settled in Tharmapuram. Proof of that is the birth record of some of the elders there.
Arts is famous in Tharmapuram. It is a Tamil-loving and patriotic village. It has given many creators, many artists, many talented people, and many maveerar who gave their lives for the Tamil nation. In People in Tharmapuram is working people. You can find people with small hand workings, agricultural work, industrial products work and people working in the fields.
Dharmapuram spreads a special light in education. The two schools in Tharmapuram are doing a good service in the educational and social part.
There are both Christian people and Hindu people living in Tharmapuram.
The shools in Tharmapuram: