Discovery of an ancient port, believed to exist Ten Thousand Years ago
By Pyaripriyan
A gentleman by name, Mr Arvind is in-charge of a scuba diving school in Pondicherry While diving, he discovered a wall type structure in the seabed.
He thought that it is natural topography of the seabed and he named it as, “Arvind Wall”. This discovery was brought to the attention of Mr. Orissa Balu, Director of Integrated Oceanographic Research Institute.
He supervised the research without wall samples, such as, stones or sand. He found out that it is an ancient port, called Eayilpattinam. He discussed about his research with us. He stated that such research would prove the historical heritage of Tamil Civilization and the links with other civilizations.
Further, investigation revealed that one end of the wall extends upto Arikkamedu estuary and the other end goes up to Narambai, near Puducherry. It could be a water-way for the ships to sail along the coast. It could also be a wall belonging to the Fort or a barrier, to prevent sea erosion.
Based on geographical research, it could be the ancient port city of Eayilpattinam.
This city was mentioned in an ancient Tamil Literature called “Ettu Thogai”, (means that a book, containing 8 sets of poems.
With this information, the Department of Archeology of Tamil Nadu, Tanjore Tamil University and Department of Indian Maritime Archeology should carry out appropriate research and take steps to protect this area.
Besides, this wall could have been built 10 thousand years ago. Another estimate is it could be 25 thousand years old. If it is established, then, Tamil Civilization is the first to implement sophisticated constructions.
There is a poem about Ayilapattinam in the Siru.panartup.padai – a book written in Sanga period A song was written in praise of Aymanattu Nalliyakodan, the ruler of Eilippattanam at that time. The poet was Sangappulavar Athikakalinattu Nallur Nattathanar. The song names this town as ‘#Mathilodupayariapattinam’.
Another word for Madhil is ‘Eil’. Hence, this place is called Ayilpattinam. Merchants from China and Greece were trading in this city. It was a famous port city at that time. The Greeks referred to this town as ‘#Sopatma’. The word ‘so’ refers to wall.
In the Sangha literature, the poet Nattathanar mentions that in the weaving town of Eiilapattinam, there were huge ships, looking like sleeping camels. These were moored in a row from Eiilapattinam to Seriyappana. In Eiilapattinam, there were flowers bloomed in the shape of swans.
Delicious baked fish and fruit juices, called Palampedu, were available there. Orissa Baku conducted Oceanographic Survey of 130 kms, in “Kumari Kadal”, at a depth of 100 metres. At a distance of 54 kms from Kanyakumari, and, at a depth of 40 meters, he has discovered an island, which is now submerged. The width is 22 kms and the length is 44 kms.
The Greeks called the city as ‘#Marikana’. Near Poombukar city, at a distance of 21 kms in the sea, he also discovered ruins of cities in 65 places.
Apart from this, he has played a significant role in exploring Arikamedu.
~”Tamilnesan D.Nagaraj” from his audiobook