2nd Lt Malathy Brigade in front of Aanayiravu – Elephant Pass, in front of Kilaaly and was Major Sothiya Brigade, in front of Chaavakacheri was Charles Antony Brigade, 2nd Malathy Brigade and other border fighters.
Major Sothiya´s Brigade stood alone in the overturned U-shape. Vembodukeni School and railway station was under their control. On 02.04.2000, the Malathy Brigade had destroyed the Sri Lankan Army, who passed Elephant Pass and entered the area. The Sothiya Brigade was now awake. They knew an attack could take place in the area at any time. Charles Antony Brigade had already made this attack on 27.03.2000. Today is the 10th. The Sri Lankan Army moved forward with heavy weapons. There was cannon, gunfire, and massive explosions everywhere. Files, stones and soil began to rise and fall everywhere.
For Selvi, who was issuing the orders, every contact with the guard was being cutting of. She told the fighters nearby to throw a grenade the tank and tried to pick up the missing orders. The first grenade missed the target but with the second grenade, the tank could not move forward. The Sri Lankan troops tried to come out to make the tank drive move again. But when they tried to come out the women fighters made gunfire at them. The battle went on to next morning and the SLA troops could still not move their tank. The big and heavy tank was attacked and captured but the two women fighters´ team only.