Eelam Tamils have been a fight for a separate country in Sri Lanka for many years. They fought for a separate Eelam through non-violence and armed struggle. Who really owns Sri Lanka?
Some Tamils and foreigners have a question. In Sri Lanka Sinhalese are the majority. Tamils living as a minority have been fighting for years for a separate country. The Tamils themselves are the immigrants from outside. How can they call for a separate Eelam? The Sinhalese is right about their anger. Is it possible to ask for a separate country where Tamils came to survive?
Turning over a little Tamil history
The island of Sri Lanka is a Tamil nation. It was only after the arrival of King Vijaya in Sri Lanka that Buddhism and the Sinhalese were brought into the country. Before that Sri Lanka was ruled by Tamil kings. Ravana, Kuweni. Sangili Pandian, Ellalan, we can go on with the Tamil kings. All these are facts proven in the history already from the stone year. This is how Sri Lanka was before the Sinhalese came to Sri Lanka. Tamil kings ruled all over Sri Lanka.
Sinhalese are from India. The name Baku belongs to Bangladesh. Sinhalese have names like Parakramabahu and Wickramabahu. This proves that the Sinhalese are the ones who came from India.
In addition, there is ample evidence to prove that Sri Lanka is of Tamil origin. Vijaya King came here and occupied the areas of Tamils.
Even Buddhism came from India. Therefore, it is clear that not only the North which is called Tamil Eelam but also the origin of Sri Lanka is Tamil. The country belongs to the Tamils. Although the Tamil people living in the hills came from India, they have been living here for more than a hundred or two hundred years. The Sri Lankan government should understand that the Sinhalese migrated to Sri Lanka as immigrants and the Tamils are the origins of Sri Lanka.