
Thirukkural Introduction


Thirukkural was written by Thiruvalluvar also known as Poiyaamozhilpulavar & Theivappulavar. It has a total of 133 Chapters. There are a total of 1330 couplets; ten couplets per chapter. All these fall into the three main divisions called  ‘virtue,’‘Wealth’ and ‘pleasure.’


There are a total of 4 sub-categories in Arattupal. The first of these is “Prolouge” with a  total of 4 chapters in Prologue. The second most common of these is ‘Domestic Virtue’. There are a total of 20 chapters on Domestic Virtue. It is followed by “Ascetic Virtue” with a total of 13 Chapters. Next comes “Fate”, there is only one chapter in this. Out of the all the sub-caterogories, this is the only sub-catergory with one chapter. Arattupal has a total of 38 chapters and 380 couplets.

Prologue – 4 Chapters

Domestic Virtue – 20 Chapters

Ascetic Virtue – 13 Chapters

Fate – 1 Chapter

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