This is a photograph taken when the great writer Kalki came (to Parutthurai) to meet Father Amarar Nadarajah.
Kalki’s wonderful historical novels like “Ponniyin Selvan”, “Sivakamiyin Sapatham”, and “Partheepan Kanavu” created an undying love for our poor Tamil and our history among lakhs of Tamil people in those days.
The lady in the photo is Mrs. Sivakamasunthari Nadeshappillai (Sir. Ramanathan’s daughter).
From left to right: Priyasamy Thooran, Balasuntharam, N. Nadarajah, Sithamparapillai, Handy Perinpanayagam, Arist Mali, Ramanathan Paremeswary, Kalki Krishnamoorthy, Arampamoorthy, Nadeshapillai.
Photo courtesy: Kugan Studio
Information: T. Kulasingam, Nada Subramanian
(Correction by Tamilpriya)