Abdul Rauf
We bow our heads to the martyr of the Tamil nation, Abdul Rauf. We have filled our hearts of this martyr whose face is unknown. The determination of a fighter. A sacrifice like the Karumpulikal that reach the limit of sacrifice and tremble.
He crossed the boundaries of himself, his home, and his country and worried for his people who were crying in the neighborhood. Abdul Rauf, the honorable Tamil guy who gave his life for the Tamils of Eelam.
Today, his name is pronounced in the hearts of the Tamils of Eelam. Tamileelam itself gathered and shed tears for his sacrifice. Our nation gathered to pay honor to the Tamil martyr Abdul Rauf from Tamil Nadu on our land, that praise the freedom fighters. May that pure Tamil martyr live with us as a fighter. May this firm footprint of his become a path for conscious Tamils.
The only words that came out of his lips, were “Save the Eelam Tamils.” Our hearts were heavy upon hearing this. We have placed garlands and made him sit on a lotus that is visible even in our tributes.
A thousand Abdul Rauf will fall like thunder on the heads of the evildoers who are trying to separate the Tamils of Tamil Nadu and the Tamils of Eelam and seek political gain. They are trying to divide history. They are waiting to sprinkle poison into the air we breathe. But Abdul Rauf’s sacrifice shows that everything will be in vain. His martyrdom can be considered an expression of the feelings of the people of Tamil Nadu and a symbol of the uprising. Abdul Rauf has given himself to the destructive forces that are trying to break the mother-child relationship and taught them a lesson. His last words before leaving this world were “Today me – Tomorrow Tamil Nadu.”
“Long live Abdul Rauf”
Abdul Rawoof, “The First Flame Kindled to Protect the Lives of Eelam Tamils”