1) Alive and Dead
Perishing in Flourishing out… On the banks of mirage you and me
2) Torture
Heard Directions Sob
3) Suffering
Tears Overflowing every brink
4) Pain of Death
Sing now The Song of resurrection
5) Unceasing Trails
Another fighter To step into My Shoes
6) Women outraged
Mother’s upon and bleeding wherever racism sets foot on
7) The Journey Goes on
One or two dreams Yet to shake off
8) Falling to rise up
The falls coming down And stretching into a river
9) Frenzy
Blasted was not our home But our nation
10) Reflection
Where were lost my sweat and my life
11) The Wait
We decided to lose In order to gain
12) Looking Forwar
Every Today Has a Tomorrow…
13) Kutimani’S Eyes
Not one or two Eyes were lit From the vision That was bright Before you unbared Your claws… can see The twentieth Century Also thro’s those eyes
14) Wandering
Here and there Bearing the shame Of slavery
15) The Trench – 1
To protect Not ourselves But our Nation
16) The Sigh
How long This trench And this vigil
17) The Trench – 2
Pits Where we’re not burried
18) Yazh Exodus
A seed Takes wings And roams about To find a patch of soil To sprout upon
19) Yazh Library Burnt
The racist fire that burnt Thousands of scholars Writers & researchers Also consumed Wisdoms, expertises And researches
20) The Valvai Massacre
In the southern wind with the stench of corpses sprouted The branches of Ashoka trees
21) Chemmani
Our brush Lengthening like A root shall hear words and speak out In Burning colours Before the silent conscience
22) Thileepan
His hunger… Himself the food
23) The sowed ones
Your Life’s Fragrance in every flower That tomorrow’s Tender Human faces will smell…
24) Prabhakaran
Human Emancipation denied Rose at a point in the south
25) Struggling
Facing death With a desire to live…
26) Pressure
How to swallow in wartime Miseries that can’t be swallowed
27) Willpower
In our nation Women’s determination Is stronger than War determination
28) War
The bomber in the sky above Our enemy would not let us bow
29) Outcry
Empty hands Would they save us From the enemies?
30) Sobreity
Enemy may be tense Yet we’ll remain sober
31) Sprout
Was not the sprout Of the tree of knowledge Buried in blood?
32) Future
Will the times to come Also bear wounds?
33) Torture
Equal rights Under the law
34) The Hangman’s Noose
What is denied Is not only natural life But natural death
35) Sencholai
The Sencholai buds To blossom Another time Sans smokes! Charred in the fire Of chauvinism – Along with the dreams Those eyes?
36) The Broken Pen
Lays broken Stifled to death Is the right to write
37) Fall
Felled Not with wound Of cracker burst
38) Chauvinism
The Sinhalese Chauvinist Hands That molested Even the dead body Of the Tamil woman
39) Break
You thrashed us To pieces… Wait and see… Lanka will Break to pieces…
40) Racism
The symbol of an epoch In our land – The dead body And the spilt blood
41) The Living Tomb
When the nest And the cradle Emit smokes, When death Lays siege On the freedom space That humanity aspires for, The states are there? Silence is there! But where is justice?
42) Standing Up
Don’t think We would submit… Even with our wounds We will demand justice
43) Scar
Wounds May fade away Not the scars
44) Seeds
Those who take up weapons Are those who were riddled With yours
45) The Blame
The country That gave birth to Buddha Supplied the bomb And the country That worships Buddha Did the killing
46) Firmed Up
She was Not destroyed By the bombs, But created By them. Not broken, Bur firmed up By it
47) The Field
Her concern Not the future Of one child – But that of the motherland
48) Peace
Peace Breathing its last In the thick Of bloody space… What is it That felled it, The Sword of the lion Or the spokes Of the Ashoka wheel?
49) Trails
Trails that go Up to the pole Dreams unlost In every trail… Will dreams come true When you come back? Of will your plot of land Lay charred?
50) Leap
You may stop The war… Not our struggle…
51) The Fighter
The fighter Continues to be born… Until freedom is born…
52) Mullivaikkal 18th May 2009
What was it That was burnt To ashes in a second – Fifty thousand Tamil Lives? Or the world’s conscience?
53) Break
Hand That once held The wooden spoon
54) Root
Gun In my hand Given By the enemy
55) Guard
The Gun Guarded me And I guarded The gun
56) Wings
Rockets on shoulders Like the mother hen’s wings
57) Movement
In touch As ever
58) Soil
Where My comrades Fell dead
59) Necessity
There would be war As long as There is a need for it
60) Betrayal
The precision telescope Failed to show The traitor’s faces Behind my back
61) Leap
Land liberation And women’s liberation Both at once
62) Fire
Fight on shoulders And Liberation in the eyes…
63) Order
Took up arms Not for laying down
64) Meeting
Faced battle And Death Equally
65) Wait
Waiting for Time And Eelam
66) Time
When humanity Retrieves its Freedom space From The Siege of death
67) Vengeance
To Kill The murderer Is not murder
68) The Storm
Kissing the foreheads Of valiant women In the storm of blood Flutters the flag of freedom
69) Resolve
Not the weapon Our resolve Will save
70) Duty
Old age No bar
71) Field
We shall Lay in wait Never lay out
72) Record
Recorded In photograph Did she notice The darknes
73) Journey
Carrying the fighters And the fight
74) Music
Oh, the palm tree! In between Liberation and death Here is my music For your roots and sprouts
75) Immersion
A nation Without wounds Will never achieve Its freedom
76) Bunker
Will the tender eardrums Used to melodious Iullabies Bear the burst of Death Breaking into earth
77) To Be Continued
Mullivaikkal Is not the end Nor The barbed wire fence
78) Tears T
he loss of the land And the loss of the son Dropped ultimately As a frustrated teardrop
79) Strength
The maturity of the young And the youthfulness of the old Combined into our strength
80) Rage
I wont be a child Forever
81) Scar
Future The Indelible scar
82) Truth
We are Killed Not because We are terrorists But because We are Tamils
83) Altar
The triumphant flag Of the war of genocid
84) Taking on
Even the blood of trees Raises the pride of land
85) Yearning
Awaiting dawnt
86) Impact
Mind shattered by bombsh
87) Freedom
How many seeds For a single crop?
88) Resurrection
Do you think Our dead bodies Won’t fight?
89) Cruelty
He who bombs knows not The havoc wrought
90) Inferno
A burning seige On our existence
91) Reflection
Is war the solution For the pain and agony of war?th
92) Racism
Killing the Tamil? No, it’s Buddha.
93) Unretrieved
Survived war To be dying now
94) Perseverance
Tears of sorrow? No. Tears of resoluteness? Yes.
95) Wait
Don’t think We are resting in war, Just tired.
96) Continuity
Lost the war Not the struggle.
97) Break
Opression your way Breaking thro’ It my way.
98) Soil
Heads May fall homeland Will not
99) Wound
Wound Sustained by memories Never heal
100) Hope
Peace Will one day shoot the Gun
101) The Sprout
From The Buried Umbilical Cord
102) Light
It must dawn… After the Night