The Black Tigers are a special offensive force of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
The Black Tigers are a special offensive force of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) . It is the cloth brigade that engages in suicide attacks to accomplish their goal. They became the most feared and controlled suicide squad in the world.
From July 5th 1987to June 27th 2007 , 322 black tigers were killed in sea and land battles and other attacks. Of these, 81 are land tigers and 241 are sea tigers. Most died within the borders of Sri Lanka.
The 5th of July is Black Tigers’ Day – a day of rememberance of the Black Tigers. It was the day Miller, the LTTE ‘s first suicide bomber, carried out a suicide attack.
1987 July 5 LTTE made the first suicide attack against the Sri Lankan military. Miller, the first LTTE member, attacked Nelliyadi in Central Maha Vidyalaya where the Sri Lanka military was stationed.
Every year in many parts of the world, Tamils remember the Black Tigers. In Denmark Tamils held The 20th Annual Black Tiger Memorial Football Tournament on 24.08.2013.