
Traditional Household Objects


Ullu – Tool used to remove the husk from coconut....
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Pottery Jar

Pottery Jar A pottery jar with fat bottom and long neck used to hold water....
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Brass Plate

Brass Plate Plate to eat from....
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Pottery Plate

Pottery Plate A pottery plate to eat from...
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Brass Thambaalam

Large Flat Circular Brass plate used for taking traditional items during celebration....
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Lime Box – Chunnampu  box

Lime Box – Chunnampu  box To keep lime that is chewed with betel and areca nut....
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Brass Mortar and Pestle

Brass Mortar and Pestle Mortar and pestle made of brass used by old people to crush areca nut...
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Wooden Mortal and Pistal

Wooden mortar and pestle used by old people to crush areca nut  ...
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Paakku Vetti

A tool for cutting areca nut...
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A rope tied across for drying clothes....
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