
Cinematography section

The struggles of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the tragedies of the Tamil people were filmed by Media Group already in the beginnings. They worked hard during the most challenging times and were responsible for the rise of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Many of these freedom fighters also embraced heroism in the field battle.

The filmmaker Bharathan was the first person in charge of the LTTE´s “Nitharsanam” and LTTE´s “Pulikalin Kural Radio”. Captain Deep, Thava, Bharathan and Puthuvai Rathinathurai set up a media studio in Thenmaradchi Meesalai under the name of “MGR Video Center” and continued to work undercover. Their job is to preserve old documents and to shoot for a new description.

The Indian Army hesitated in naming the MGR in the first place. Captain Deep and Thava indirectly filmed the movements of the Indian Army. They recorded interviews with people about the massacres committed by Indian Army. Their mission is to hide the documents of the Indian forces on suspicion and travel to the Vanni. The Media Group continues their work of recording and editing in one of the Vanni forest camps, codenamed “Baba Alba”, where the group set up a small media studio.

The footage and interviews taken so far are included and a description is prepared. The description titled “Indian State Terrorism – Part 01, Part 02” makes it clear to the world what Indian Army did first in Tamil Eelam against Tamil people. Thava and Deep came out of the jungle and approached the video shoppers among the people and asked them to film the scenes of the Indian forces while filming the social events.

Videos of people´s life in Vanni, bombings, training camps, ID cards, and games and sport were saved. When many new freedom fighters joined the LTTE the Media Group developed their section and let more members join into their section.

Kooddai, Mankulam, Kokkavil are very important places. After 1991 Thava reunited with “Nitharshanam” and became chairman of Vanni section and continued his work of media work for Vanni section.


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