
Lt.Col. Sirithran, Karumpuli of Air Force

Lt.Col. Sirithran, Karumpuli of Air Force

The national leader, observing Sirithran’s pleasant nature, love, wisdom and talent, decided to send Sirithran and some other freedom fighters to work within the foreign structure. The reason was that Sirithran’s strength and talent had the potential to create people with more useful and resourceful abilities for the Tamileelam nation. With such ability, Sirithran had made himself a leader according to the national leader’s idea. The national leader expected more from him. Because his abilities were so valuable.

But Sirithran refused to leave his homeland and do his work and preferred to stay on the ground. He refused to travel abroad, saying that he would work from his homeland without wavering in his decision. In the end, his wish came true. If he had gone abroad, he could have created a thousand laughing gods. But he was a sweet man who did not want to be separated from his beloved national leader, generals, and freedom fighters, and wanted to live with them.

It was during this time that Sirithran’s potential was noticed, and he received an invitation to join the Air Force team. Realizing the need of the Air Force, Sirithran happily went to the Air Force training. No one knew that he would later become the Karumpuli of Air Force who would amaze the world. But he developed himself as a Karumpuli.

The history of the Air Force dates back to 1985-1986, when the formation and construction of aircraft began. Gradually, with the passage of time, the Air Force of the freedom fighters came to life. For the first time, the announcement regarding the Air Force was made by the national leader Prabhakaran in his 1998 Heroes’ Day speech. The year 2000 was declared as the Year of the Air Force by the LTTE and the history of the Air Force began to be written.

Commander Col. Shankar was the founder of the Air Force and played a key role in the formation of the regiment. After completing his BA in Aeronautics from the College of Engineering in Chennai, Commander Shankar went to Canada and worked as an engineer at the Canadian Airlines.

After returning home from a foreign life, he joined the Tamileelam liberation struggle and became a freedom fighter and raised many freedom fighters, and he also became the founder of the Air Force. The hero who worked tirelessly to form the Air Force until the end was General Shankar. On the Memorial Day of the maveeran Thileepan in September 2001, Shankar became maveeran in a claymore attack carried out by the deep penetration force of the Sri Lankan government. However, the bravery of the freedom fighter in the sky progressed and grew rapidly in the development of the Air Force.



The Air Force Karumpuli Colonel Ruben.

Letter from Rupan (ரூபன் அண்ணா எழுதிய கடிதம் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது)

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