Full name is Kulasekaram Vairamuthu Bandara Vanniyan. He had two brothers Periya Meiyanar and Kayala Vanniyan. According to the Jaffna Vaipava Mala records, he came from the Vannia clan generals of northern Tamil Nadu who were sent to rule Sri Lanka during the Chola Empire. Vanniyar can mean strong. Even when the Portuguese captured Jaffna in 1621, they could not set foot in the Vanni region. Portuguese power in Ceylon came to an end without ever gaining a foothold in the Vanni. In fact, Vanni Vananga is the land, Vanni people are heroes. The first to successfully enter the Vanni were the Dutch, whom we refer to as the Dutch.
The historian Louis, writing about their war to conquer the Vanni in 1782, mentioned the following. “The Dutch have waged war in many countries, but nowhere in the world have they seen such brave warriors. During the Dutch era and later against the British rule, the Vanniyyas of Mannar and Trikonamalai vannikkadus waged a continuous guerilla war. Bandara Vanniyan is the shining jewel among them. There is one more important message in Bandara Vanniyan’s historical account of his stop at Mullaitivi. The peak of Bandara Vannyan’s rebellion against the British rule was when he completely attacked and annihilated the Mullaithivu fort of the British whites. At a time when all the military resources for the Tamils who had achieved a thirty-year struggle in the same Mullaitivi were destroyed, there would have been no reason to use Bandara Vannian’s bravery as a symbol of contemporary comradeship. Bandaravanniyan used to rule over 2000 square miles of land from Mullaithivu to Varappalai Amman temple.
He maintained the government by setting up a group consisting of his younger brother Kailaya Vanniyan as a minister and his last brother Periya Minor as commander. His only sister’s name is Nalla Nachal. He falls in love with Ava Pulavan who teaches her arts. At the same time, Kakai Vanniyan, another small land king who came to Vanniland, wanted to marry her. Even though I sent letters to Bandara Vannyan several times, he did not agree to it. Once in the Nandavanatha Nachiyal was in love with Bulavar, the crow Vanniyan sends Bulavar to fight with his sword. Through this incident, Bulavan learns that he is descended from royalty. This gives a green flag to their love. This is an aside.. The whites turned their backs and retreated because of Bandaravannian’s refusal to pay tribute in the desert. Kakaivannyan, who is angry with Bandaravannyan for personal reasons, joins forces with the white ruler. Many times the whites invade and fail. At that moment, Crow Vannyan advises that Bandara can defeat Vannyan only by trickery. As part of that plan, Natakamadi comes to Bandaravanniyan saying that he has reversed the mistake. The brothers, the minister and the commander, despite the advice not to include Kakaivanniyan, include him on the basis of ‘forgive and forget’.
But waiting for the moments and believing that the moments will come, Vananian gathers himself together and keeps this crow in a place called Otu Sutan to capture him by the white men’s forces. Even today, there is a case in Eelam where people who believe and cheat are asked if they are from Kakai Vanniyan Paramparai.. Let’s see a couple of incidents in this meeting… Brother Periyamainar – “Brother, I don’t think that white gang has the intention of taking over our Vanni country. But our brothers, the Sinhalese, have sent huge forces to capture the Kandy region. In this situation it would be good if we send our troops to support the Sinhalese and fight against the British.” Bandara Vannyan: “Ah well brother Kailaya your idea my brother Kailaya Vannyan.” “Sending our forces to Anna Gandhi has two advantages. One would have helped the Sinhalese. Next, on this occasion, we can show the strength of our forces to the white man. Sunangamal should send our forces to Kandy.” Bandaravannian: “Brother Periyaminar, we should not give place to the gang of white men who are making a living by robbing our country of elem karuva cloves etc. We want to protect our fellow Sinhalese and Kandy country. So don’t hesitate to arm our forces to Kandi” Excerpt from the meeting with the Desadhipati in Kattappomman style Desadhipati: Vanniyar Vende we wish to celebrate mutual love and walk with them as friends. Bandaravanniyan: There is no objection Desadhipati: We have received Karikattumola and Mullaitiva from Kakai Vanniyan. Bandaravanniyan: So what Kakaivanniyan Kodai Vallal. Dharmabhupathi is next to Parikum, who gave what he had to those who had none. What is the wonder of this Desadhipati: There is no wonder that the country of Jaffna and part of Vanni Pradesh came under our British rule. There is no point in living alone. Bandaravannian: Then you asked me to explain the meaning.
Desadhipati: If you don’t mind, it will be fruitful if you live submissively. Bandara Vannyan: The danger is looking for you, not me Desadhipati: Keep your mouth shut. .Vanniyan: Pandaran who does not fear the Lord is going to be conquered by the English Thepati: You are going to seek great destruction with your mouth Pan-Vanni: Why are you crying crocodile tears for that? A snake cannot have a feast unless it has a hawk. Today is the 210th death anniversary of Maveeran Bandaravannian. During the late Hollande period and the early British period. King Kulasekharam Vairamuthu Bandaravanniyan who ruled Vannirachiyam. It was the year of the Vannirachya without subservience to the white man. Bandaravannyan is the historical hero who saw 60 people outside of Karpurapul, the first king who rescued them from the whites in Mullaitivu Fort. Today is the anniversary of the defeat of Bandaravannyan Kakavannyan, the undefeated king of Vannirajya, by the British commander Captain Rebekah. Bandaravannian was defeated by the whites at a place called Kaichilaimadhu in Otisuttan in the Vanni. In memory of this, a memorial to Bandaravannian was erected at the top of the stone statue. Later it was destroyed by the Sri Lanka Army. Tamil Nadu Jaffna Internet