Maha Veerar Naal Address
மாவீரர் நாள் – National Heroes Day
27November 1994
“We are a movement fighting for liberation. We are not an ordinary group which stands abjectly in askance of concessions…Our goal is that we should live with honour peace, safety and freedom in our home soil, our own soil which historically belongs to us. This is our national aspiration.”
My beloved people of Tamil Eelam,
“We celebrate this day as the holy day on which we worship in the temples of our heart our dear fighters who gave up their lives, sacrificed their lives for the noble ideal that our people should achieve freedom and live in freedom with dignity and honour and the right of self government.
Our country has paid an incalculable price for the sake of liberation. This land has turned into a battlefield and a river of blood has flowed on this soil. Our warriors are dying even today for the sake of liberation. All those thousands upon thousands of tombstones on this soil stand demanding liberation as their goal. The figures of the great warriors whom we encounter on roads, street corners, and walls appear as witnesses to liberation.
A great political change has taken place in Sri Lanka. A new government has come to power with a new approach and a new mandate. When the Chandrika government extended its hand for peace we grasped it with friendship. We participated in talks without preconditions or imposing any constraints. As these talks began in the first stage we gave precedence to the problems faced by our people.
The Sinhala army does not appear to like finding a solution to the problem of the Tamils through peaceful means. The uncompromising hard line, military activities and war preparations of the army show this truth.
It does not appear that even the Chandrika government has not given up the military approach. The government does not want to act against the army’s hard line. The government is not prepared to bring any pressure on the army. Under such circumstances it is not an easy matter to create an atmosphere for peace or normalcy.
Therefore, if the government has a true and honest interest in the path of peace it should be easy only if the armed forces are also led on that path.
Stopping war activities removing the economic embargo, opening the passage for transport, removing the ban on the maritime zone, and resettling refugees all depend on the position of the army.
We stand not as an obstacle on the path for peace. We have not closed the doors of peace. We are prepared for peace. If talks take place again we will take part in them. We desire that a solution should be found first to the daily problems faced by our people.
If the Chandrika government has to secure the trust and goodwill of our people, it should first find a solution to their immediate problems and create an atmosphere for peace and normalcy in the homeland of the Tamils.
Our movement which fought for long, shedding blood, has taken the struggle to higher stage – to the point where it has established structures of self-rule.
Today we stand on a very strong and solid foundation. We should never forget that the people who laid this strong foundation were our great warriors.
The Sinhala government is interested in (developing) negotiations with us because we stand on a strong base as a powerful force.
We will assist the Chandrika government if it takes steps to find a peaceful solution to the national problem of the Tamils.
If proper proposals for autonomy are put forward we are prepared to examine them.
My Dear Tamil people!
We are a movement fighting for liberation. We are not an ordinary group which stands abjectly in askance of concessions.
Our goal is that we should live with honour peace, safety and freedom in our home soil, our own soil which historically belongs to us.
This is our national aspiration. We ask for a solution which will fulfill this national aspiration. Only such a solution can be permanent. Only that will create a lasting peace.
Until we get that solution, we should stand as one people rally round as one nation, with unflinching firmness.
We shall take an oath on this national day, on this day when we remember in our hearts, our warriors who laid down their lives for the liberation of our nation, that we will firmly stand by our goal.
As we light the lamps in the ‘warriors’ resting ‘ abodes’ which are the temples of freedom, we shall take this oath as a gift to their souls ‘ aspirations.
Thirst of the Tigers is the homeland of Tamil Eelam”
Way. Prabhakaran
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.