The Tamil Nadu State Department of Archaeology in collaboration with the Tamil University, Thanjavur conducted excavations at Kodumanal situated in Perundurai taluk in Erode District. It was once a flourishing ancient trade city known as Kodumanam, as inscribed in Patittrupathu of Sangam Literature.
The excavation had brought to light two cultural periods viz:
*Megalithic period
*The early historic period
Black and red ware, black slipped ware, russet coated ware and red slipped ware were found in the excavation. Apart from these, beads made of quartz and clay, inscribed potsherds and graffiti potsherds were unearthed.
A megalithic cairn circle at this site was also excavated. The grave goods such as lids, bowls, dishes, four legged jars and ring stands were found placed outside the primary cist. At the southeastern side of this primary cist an urn was found which surprisingly yielded 782 beads made of carnelian. An iron sword measuring 169 cm length was also found at the eastern side of the main cist. Besides, four iron swords, a copper toddy filter with lotus and peacock designs, double edged axe, small daggers, stirrup like object, potsherds bearing graffiti were also gathered.
Vignesh Srinivan
Archeological Studies researcher