“As our liberation struggle is a shield for education, in the same way education is a shield for our struggle”, this is the thinking of the Tamil Eelam National Leader.
One of the basic human rights is education. Education is an indestructible treasure of all time. Students are the pillars of a society.
For a long time, our Tamil students in Tamil Eelam have been fighting for their fundamental right against the oppression of the Sinhala chauvinist state. Our Tamil students have excelled in education since the colonial period. The Sinhala regime did not tolerate this. They enacted a law in 1971 through the racist law called “Standardization” requiring Tamil students to score higher than Sinhala students for university admissions. To get admission to medical university, Tamil students was permitted to have a score on 250 when a Sinhala student was only permitted 229. Due to such racist laws, our Tamil students were denied employment even in public offices.
Ponnuthurai Sivakumaran is the one who dared to fight against these injustices. He was educated at the Jaffna Hindu College as a high school student. He was a pioneer of the Tamil Eelam liberation struggle and the Tamil student community. He joined the Student Council to fight against the oppression of the Tamil people and for the denied rights of Tamil students. By this way, he gained the love and support of the student community and the Tamil people. He also boldly opposed anti-egalitarian tendencies such as caste and female oppression.
The Sri Lankan police surrounded P. Sivakumaran, who bravely fought for the dawn of the Tamil people, during their field operations. In this incident, which took place June 5 1974, Sivakumaran died as the first volunteer of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Struggle, drinking cyanide with the lofty goal of not being caught live by the enemy.
His heroism caused a great uproar among the youth. It was also the first time women came to the cemetery. Following his heroism, the Tamil Eelam Student Uprising Day is being observed on June 6 in memory of Sivakumaran. The Tamil people living in the island of Tamil Eelam and in the diaspora are emotionally remembering this day.