Dr.Sathyamoorthi 03.09.1951 27.02.2013 today Memorial Day
Sathyamoorthi was a man who devoted himself for the liberation of the Tamil people for many years since school days. He thought for and acted for the liberation of Tamil people. He was deeply loved by tamil people and by the Leader of Tamil Eelam.
He was arrested in Sri Lanka. His hands and legs were broken during the torture. Even then, he had protected and cared for many youngsters. He helped individuals without legs by fixing plastic legs, looked after orphans and did many charitable work.
In 1985 when the Rehabilitation centre was open in India, he took the role as the first leader to guide the organisation. This organisation allows to help many other charity organisations in Sri Lanka.
After that, in Britain he founded the organisation: ‘Venpura’ (White Pigeon) and continued to do many charitable work.
The activity of the “Venpura” in human expressions