Yogaratnam Yogi, a senior member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and head of the Battle Library Division, has worried that the international community must realize that no matter what the Sri Lankan government will not find a solution to the problems of the Tamil people.
We see wars in world history. We are talking about the rare, big things in it. But a national race with a small number is still fighting against a force with a very large number. It also waged a struggle against India, the so-called 4th world power. The world today accepts that new strategies, sacrifices and achievements have been understood in this struggle. The period of our national leader in the long history of Tamil is a different one.
The history of Tamils has not been properly recorded since the advent of charcoal. The kings Bandara Vannian and Sangiliyan fought. However, did they use innovation weapons properly? The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has a big role to play in dealing with the innovative weapons after the advent of charcoal in a proper and different way with the resources at hand. Our leader Prabhakaran has been the driving force behind it. In this history, the Battle Library Division operates to record the history of burials.
Such recordings have been made in the past.
One purpose is to show how this struggle was nurtured — and how this struggle was nurtured with great complexity — as a movement that transcends many movements in the world. The struggle has been going on for 30 years today. That means this struggle has been going on for 3 or 4 generations. Many of the former LTTE commanders were martyred. Then came the commanders. Thus came the 4th generation. These bibliography works are considered important for them to learn how we have achieved in this long struggle and thereby gain a lesson. That is how this section was inspired and started by the leader.
In today’s world we are not able to do that work completely but we are doing it to some extent. There is a problem with this. We are unable to express many things as the struggle is still going on. There is a problem in doing this safely in different places.
Although the Cholas had a very large fleet, there are no records of it. For Tamils there is a flaw in maintaining such records and passing it on to the next generations. This work is being done to eliminate that shortcoming. We are confident that they will survive this crisis. There are still many in the diaspora who have taken part in this struggle and made many achievements. Not only ex-combatants — there are also civilians in the diaspora who have indirectly contributed to this struggle. We have to carry out coordination work for the record about them.
Such recordings have been made in the past. One purpose is to show how this struggle was grown up — and how this struggle was grown up with great complexity — as a movement that transcends many movements in the world.
The struggle has been going on for 30 years today. That means this struggle has been going on for 3 or 4 generations. Many of the former LTTE commanders were martyred. Then came the commanders. Thus came the 4th generation. These bibliography works are considered important for them to learn how we have achieved in this long struggle and thereby gain a lesson.
That is how this section was inspired and started by the leader. In today’s world we are not able to do that work completely but we are doing it to some extent. There is a problem with this. We are unable to express many things as the struggle is still going on. There is a problem in doing this safely in different places.
Although the Cholas had a very large fleet, there are no records of it. For Tamils there is a flaw in maintaining such records and passing it on to the next generations. This work is being done to eliminate that shortcoming. We are confident that they will survive this crisis. There are still many in the diaspora who have taken part in this struggle and made many achievements. Not only ex-freedom fighters – there are also civilians in the diaspora who have indirectly contributed to this struggle. We have to carry out coordination work for the record about them.