A fierce war is going on in the land of Tamileelam. The Sri Lankan government is using sophisticated weapons to kill Tamils.
Against that, freedom fighters of Tamileelam are engaged in the battle to reclaim the land using morale as the main weapon. The Sinhalese imperialism has played out before the sages who sinned against the weapons of life. Even in this situation, a great effort is going on in Tamileelam to bring together children who have lost their homes due to the tragedies of war and provide proper education.
Our future successors are being nurtured in a structured manner in “Sencholai”and “Kantharuban Arivucholai” organizations. The UN recently visited Tamileelam. Officials expressed surprise at the growth of these organizations. They asked in amazement whether such an undertaking was even possible within the tragedies of war. They were proud of our kids.
UN Adviser in charge of humanitarian affairs Mr. Roland Hudson and Britta Hotzback of Education Development Institute are the above officials who went to Tamileelam. Reports coming from there suggest that the intellectuals of “Sencholai” and “Kantharuban Arivucholai” have touched their hearts deeply. It is not surprising that in Tamileelam, where education and humanity meet, their minds are relaxed. They should take this morality of Tamils to the world. It is not enough if only they know that the Sri Lankan government’s propaganda that Tamils are terrorists and mentally ill is untrue. They should make it public and tell the world that they have met the humane and courageous freedom fighters in Tamileelam. “Sencholai” and “Kantharuban Arivucholai” also proofs it by the innocent laughter of the minors.
“A new generation of young people must arise as the future sculptors of my nation. A new, revolutionary generation must arise as energetic, intellectual, patriots, experts in the art of war. This generation should be shaped as builders, administrators, and rulers of our nation.” As Tamileelam national leader Mr.V. Prabhakaran published his contents.
“These children are not strangers. They are kids of Tamilannai (Tamilmother). We are planting these young seeds in the context of the historic freedom struggle. My desire is that these will take root and grow and become trees, and for a time they will become the oasis of thought of the Tamileelam nation.”
These speeches of the Tamileelam national leader explain how much expectation the children of “Sencholai” and “Kantharuban Arivucholai” are brought up.
“Sencholai” Girls School, which started in July 1991, was ceremonially inaugurated on 22nd October 1991. Starting with 23 students, “Sencholai” today has grown to over two hundred students. Girls between the ages of three and fifteen are educated here. “The purpose of education is not to prepare students for exams, but our aim is to create people with complete personality needed for life,” says Janani, in-charge of “Sencholai” organization.
People from different backgrounds study here. Only six classes run from pre-school onwards. Students are placed in classes according to their physical and mental age. “Sencholai” Girls’ School is a gift to those who dream of a true and fair educational system. The number of “Sencholai” students has increased. Due to this, the school needs to be developed. New buildings are needed for the school. A new school is being built in Vanni area.
A new building is planned for “Sencholai” Girls School at Ariyalai in Jaffna. The building will be constructed incorporating features planned by “Sencholai”.
It has been estimated to build this school at a cost of 22 lakh 70 thousand rupees. The Tamil people living in the diaspora should give this amount and participate in the development of our society. Approach their local “Sencholai” officers and donate whatever amount you can towards this building fund. Each feature is costed separately to facilitate donor funding.
One and a half lakh rupees each will be spent to set up the meeting hall and administrative office.
5 classrooms are going to be constructed at the rate of Rs.7.5 lakh for setting up one classroom. The cost of setting up a workshop and a library is Rs 3 lakh at the rate of Rs 1.5 lakh each. It is estimated that it will cost one hundred and eighty thousand rupees to set up a model preschool, two hundred and ten thousand rupees to set up a resource center, one and a half thousand rupees to set up a study hall, one hundred and seventy-five thousand rupees to set up a housing complex, and two hundred and five thousand rupees to set up a playground.
We will also join hands with the “Sencholai” Organization to realize the dream of our national leader. Let us join our supporting hands with the “Sencholai” for the construction of the building.
V.R. Varatharaja (Correction by Tamilpriya)
PDF FILE – Sculptors of the future
Memorial Day is of the Sencholai Massacre – (14.08.2006)