
The importance of Tamil language given by the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam during the struggle!

The importance of Tamil language given by the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam during the struggle!

★Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam★

The importance given to the Tamil language during the struggle is enormous. The Liberation Tigers had a fierce determination to protect the Tamil language in the name of which the Tamils ​​in Sri Lanka were oppressed, and in the name of which the same Tamils ​​rose up. The Liberation Tigers must have realized that the battlefield and bunker life alone would not help them achieve their goals. That is why they took an equal role in language protection activities along with the justice administration structures.

The Liberation Tigers´ importance of the Tamil language begins in the name they gave to their organization and the movement names they gave to their members. They took the lead in searching for pure Tamil words and giving them to the fighters. They established a separate department to develop Tamil under the name of the Tamil Development Corporation. Foreign names given to Tamils ​​were pointed out through the Tamil Development Corporation. Thousands of pure Tamil names were also suggested.

The Tamil Development Association of the LTTE took the lead in creating new artistic words in Tamil. Today, in countries like India, Malaysia, Singapore, it was the LTTE who established the interest in creating artistic words created by Tamil scholars. Here we are attaching a list of some of the artistic words created by the LTTE.

★Kavalthurai – Police were initially called policemen and constables as they were the guardians of law and order. But since they were a separate department under the government, there was a need to classify them from other policemen. Therefore, the term Kavalthurai was used in pure Tamil.

★Vethuppagam – Since bakery products such as bread are heated in a fire, they gave it the term Vethuppagam in pure Tamil.

★Vethuppi – Bread is heated in a fire, so they gave it the term Vethuppi in pure Tamil.

★Kuthappi – Cake – Since the cake production process is done by boiling, so they gave it the term Kuthappi in pure Tamil.

★Kulirkali – Ice cream is seen as a cold-related food, so they gave it the term Kulirkali in pure Tamil.

They created pure Tamil words for vehicles that run on land. Since vehicles are operated by a motor mechanism, they gave the term Unthu in Tamil which is pure Tamil. And they classified and gave it the term according to the nature of the vehicles that were connected to that motor.

★Perunthu – Bus

★Sittunthu – Car

★Paaravunthu/Kanavunthu – Truck/lorry

★Perunthu – Train

★Porunthu – Tank

★Unthuruli – Motorcycle

★Neerunthu – Engine Boats

★Eeruli – Cycle The people who drive these were called drivers instead of drivers in the vernacular. In the aviation industry, they called flying in the sky as vehicles.

★Vanurthi – Aircraft

★Ulanku Vanurthi. It was customary to call those who fly airplanes as pilots. But in pure Tamil, they gave it the artistic term of Vaanodigal. And they called airfields as Vanurthi thalangal.

The Liberation Tigers used to call these Factories – Panimanaykal, Banks – Vaippagam, and Managers – Poruppalar. If you want to know more about the artistic terms in pure Tamil, you can find them in the list of artistic terms published by the Tamil Development Association. Pure Tamil words used by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Unforgettable by time.

(Correction by Tamilpriya)


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