In ancient times, the body of a fearless Tamil warrior, who fought with unwavering courage on the battlefield, lies pierced by countless arrows… “Mark the day when you have avoided the wounds of unnecessary troubles, and your actions reflect clarity and purpose.” {Kural – 776} Definition: Heroes , with each passing year, tallies the days of their life, and any day that has not been filled with bold action, purpose, or passion is seen as a betrayal of their own potential.
They casts aside those days as wasted—empty hours that could have been used to build a legacy worthy of remembrance, now lost to time and forgotten. This is the heroic tale of the Tamils of that era, where every chapter is filled with bravery, resilience, and a fierce devotion to their noble cause.
Venugopal Madhavan
தயாளன் மொழிபெயர்த்தார். / Translated by Dayalan.