In terms of such laws, the following Courts of Justice have been structured and are functioning
1. The Supreme Court.
2. The Court of Appeal.
3. Special Courts (Sits only if and when required)
4. High Court.
5. District Court (civil)
6. District Court (criminal)
All appointments promotions and transfers of Judges of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal shall be made by the National Leader.All appointments, promotions, dismisal and disciplinary control of Judges of High Courts, District Courts and the staff are made by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Head of the Judicial Administration Division.
Supreme Court
This court consists of a Chief Justice and four other Puisne Judges appointed by the National Leader. It has jurisdiction over the whole of Tamileelam.The Supreme Court is the Final Appellate Court with powers of correction of all errors in fact or in law in appeals from the Court of Appeal and Special Court. All appeal cases are heard and determined by all the five Judges of the Supreme Court sitting together. In the event of a difference of opinion among the Judges the majority decision prevails.
Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal consists of three judges appointed by the National Leader. One of the three Judges shall be designated president by the National Leader. It has jurisdiction over the whole of Tamileelam.The Court of Appeal is vested with appellate jurisdiction from judgements of all High Courts and District Courts including the correction of errors in fact and errors of Law.
The three Judges of the Court of Appeal sit together and hear all appeals. In the event of a difference of opinion among the judges the majority decision prevails.
Special Courts
This court is constituted with three Judges sitting together, appointed by the Chief Justice with the consultation of the head of Judicial Administration Division to hold the trials of Criminal/Civil cases arising out of incidents and circumstances of unforseen and unprovided for situations. This court is constituted by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Head of the Judicial Administration Division of Tamileelam. These Ad-hoc courts are constituted for Ad-hoc purposes and cease to function after conclusion of each case.
High Court
High Court has Jurisdiction to try certain criminal cases like Treason, Murder, Rape and Arson according to the previsions. The Court shall be presided by a single Judge appointed by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Judicial Administration Division..
District Court (civil)
This Court shall be the original Court with the Jurisdiction in respect of all civil cases. District court Judge shall be appointed by the Chief Justice in consultation with Judicial Administration Division.
District Court (criminal)
This Court shall be the Original Court with Jurisdiction in respect of criminal cases not specifically reserved for High Courts. Appeals lie to be High Court from orders and Judgements. Judges of this court are appointed by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Judicial Administration Division.
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