
The Air Force Karumpuli Colonel Rupan.

To give practical form to the national leader’s thinking, the Karumpulikal became historical heroes. The Air Force Karumpuli Colonel Rupan, Lt. Col. Sirithiran became maveerar.

Col. Rupan, who died in the Karumpulikal air attack in the Sinhalese capital, appealed to the Tamils of the world before the attack. LTTE and Tamils are not different;”Tell the world that this is a people’s struggle,” he appealed to the Tamils of the world. Colonel Ruben, one of the Karumpulikal from the Air Force who attacked Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, wrote a letter to the people of Tamil Nadu and diaspora Tamils before the attack. The full details of the letter are as follows:

15.02.2009 Tamileelam

My dear and respected people of Tamil Nadu and diaspora!

We, who are going to be maveerars, bow down to you. You rise up and listen to the struggles of your relatives against the destruction of our people. We gain happiness and self-confidence. It has spread. Only now the problem of Tamils has started to fall on the ears of the world. Therefore, your continuous struggles for the liberation of our Tamil nation will add strength. All parties in Tamil Nadu should fight together. Only then will the central government of the world fall on the ears of the UN. Do not lose heart. Struggle continuously. Liberation will come to the Tamil people.

Diaspora is our relatives! It is because of your help that our struggle continued to develop. Do it continuously. LTTE is not a different people. Tell the world that this is a people’s struggle. Day by day your relations are killed here. What’s more, even the deads could not be taken and buried. There is no medicine, no food, no clothes. How many killings the Sinhalese army is doing to do?

They are bringing the Tamils from Vavuniya to the open prison and destroy the Tamils and create the Sinhalese race. They are trying to cover up the plight of our people by expelling the world organizations and lastly the Red Cross from Vanni. Soon, deadly diseases will spread to our people. You should continuously fight and explain these things to the world.

Beloved diaspora Tamilians! Like all the Jewish people who lived in the world together created a country called Israel for themselves, get ready to build Tamileelam together. Make the dream of our heroes come true.

Colonel Ruben has also written a letter to the people of Vanni. The full details of the letter are as follows:

5.02.2009 Tamileelam

My dear people of Tamileelam, especially the people living in Vanni.

My heart is broken and disturbed to see the pain you are going through. Our national leader started the struggle so that our people should live freely. But it was you who gave him inspiration, supported and strengthened the struggle and made our organization grow by joining your children in the struggle. We wanted to live freely in the land where we lived for ages. Is it wrong? Is the life of our Tamil people not alive among the people living in the world? I don’t understand the reason why the countries of the world, which were the reason for the independence of so many countries, destroy only our Tamil nation and make fun of the Sinhala nation.

Dear people! You know that people in Tamil Nadu and people who have migrated abroad are conducting various kinds of non-violent protests for your freedom. They are doing what they can from outside. All you must do is join the struggle and fight the final battle for your freedom. The hands of the national leader should be strengthened.

Beloved people! The enemy is doing various maneuvers, i.e. gradually making you move from your places, withholding food and medicine, raining bombs on you and making you live in death day by day, declaring a safe zone, then raining bombs on you, killing your relatives and making you come to his open prison. Do you know why? Mahinda is going to destroy you just as Hitler set up many concentration camps and destroyed the Jewish race. You should not fall into it without knowing it. Do you know what Gotabaya told the army? In Tamileelam, women say to you, men are to the ocean. Based on that, do you know how many women here have been raped and left to take care of the army in military hospitals.

Beloved people! Do we need this dishonor? Of course you will never accept this. Because that is what you are fighting for. For that you have dedicated more than 24,000 freedom fighters. They were not born fighters. Time has made them fighters. Fighters are not born they are made. Who made them? If the Sinhalese nation had given us what belongs to us, there would have been no need for our national leader to be armed.

Beloved people! The Sinhalese nation has made us fight whether we like it or not. Are you going to give up the struggle when the time has come to achieve your goal of Tamileelam after 30 years of struggle? You must fight for your freedom. If you don’t fight, who will fight for you? Out of 250,000 people in Vanni, 50,000 people are too weak to fight? Think if 50,000 young women join the struggle and the Sinhalese army flies away without knowing where it came from.

Dear brothers and sisters! There is no age limit to struggle. The army kills you regardless of age. I left to fight in 1990 at the age of 14. The reason is that there is no displacement school. You will think the same because we want a country of our own to live in peace. Seeing your pain in person day by day makes my mind feel warm and sad. I did not bear the pain that you bear at your age, and that motivated me to fight. But it is heart-wrenching to think why you are still not agitated to fight against the Sinhalese army who caused so much pain. Do you not see the pain caused by the Sinhalese army? Will you fight only if it causes more pain?

Beloved people! You must clearly understand that if you do not achieve freedom during the time of our national leader, you will never live free! As the Tamileelam national leader said, ‘There is no history of a single liberation movement fighting and winning freedom. Only when people’s power mobilizes and rises behind a liberation movement does it attain completeness and maturity as a people’s struggle – a national struggle. Only then is liberation possible.

Beloved people! Let’s all take up arms and knock on the taps for sure freedom will come.

Beloved people! Has the fighting spirit of Tamils declined? You haven’t revealed it yet. That moment has arrived. Who am I? Who are we? Your children are the ones you have brought up and we have not come from foreign countries to fight.

So dear mothers! Fathers! You should send your children who are strong enough to fight. Only then can we set up an independent life for the young generation. Build us a national army. Strength is what determines existence on this planet. Let’s all strengthen the hand of the national leader according to the philosophy that the weak will survive. We have the necessary weapon. All we need is one manpower. If we are fighting for more than two years with less manpower against the Sinhalese army, which has multiple manpower and military equipment provided by the world, who do you think will win? As we are perishing, the Sinhalese nation is also perishing. Sinhala will not be able to rise.

Dear youth, you know that you have a responsibility to look after your parents. If you want to save your parents, you can only save your motherland. This is not fiction, this is reality. How long will we live in death? Every day in the news we hear and see that so many people have been killed and injured in air strikes by the Sinhalese army. Half of them are strong enough to fight. Why should they die unjustly at that age? The dead are buried on roadsides and in fields. Why this misery? If all these join our organization and kill the army and die a heroic death, history will tell that the Tamil lived bravely or died bravely.

Beloved people! The time for freedom is ready. Be confident everyone. The leader started the protest after seeing your sufferings and pain. His mind has been reeling ever since seeing the pain you caused him. There is no shortage of it. All we (freedom fighters) ask you repeatedly is to protect the leader. Strengthen his hand. Let your children get in the freedom struggle. The leader will surely give you freedom. The war is for us and the Sinhalese army and not for the Sinhalese people. But the army is also bombing our people. We can kill Sinhalese people too. Sinhalese people should understand this clearly, but we have not done so. When we met the leader and were going to drop bombs, we repeatedly insisted that we should not drop bombs on people or hospitals. But the Sinhalese air eagles are searching and bombing our people and hospitals. We want to make one thing clear to the Sinhalese people. Don’t dream that you can live in peace after destroying Tamils. We want to decide our own destiny and live in harmony with you. This is what we have been insisting over and over again. We want to live freely in our land.

Dear living people! We are overflowing into the lion’s hole. We will show who we are and who Tamils are. I never wanted to die unjustly. In that way, I am very happy to think that as a maveeran and especially as a Karumpuli maveeran, I am bringing pride to my motherland and people.

As Thileepan said, “Let the revolution of the people break out and there will be a free Tamileelam.”

“Thirst of Tigers is thirst of Tamileelam – so are the thirst of Tamil people.”

  • Your brother, your son and freedom figther
  • Rupan

(Correction by Tamilpriya)



Letter from Rupan (ரூபன் அண்ணா எழுதிய கடிதம் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது)

Sky Tigers Rund way

Sky Tigers flight detalis

Sky Tigers images

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