26.06.2000 – The fight at Kudarappu – Jayasikkuru
Major Mathangi´s team moved silently like leopards. With short hair, sharp eyesight and string physique, these women fighters were our special forces. Five Sri Lankan base were attacked by the LTTE. As the Sri Lankan Army was in high alert, the attack was in high level. The fight started in the way. The Army saw them and start fire. The team tried to avoid the fight as much as possible. The battle last until the end of the raid when the Sri Lankan soldiers kept coming like gunfire. The women fighters continued the fight even after the bullets were fired. They smashed the artillery as they continued to control the situation, beating and dragging the Sri Lankan soldiers with their arms and legs.
The lives of 170 warriors, 566 sleepless nights, and days in water filled bunkers, days in heavy rain, days in hot sun without water, trying to safe water from leaves, 2nd Lt. Malathy Brigade fought against Sri Lankan Army through all these. It was “Jayasikuru” battle. It is a battlefield for experienced fighters and new fighters were learning the fight in the fight. The Sri Lankan army are trying to infiltrate again and again.
The fire brigades of the 2nd Malathy Brigade was always on day and night. In June 1998 they had already faced Sri Lankan army twice. This is the third time. The Sri Lankan army came forward. 2nd Lt. Inkurinchi show them and started the attack. Tharshini and Major Vani went on attacking with her. Even though the other fighters was screaming and told her to come back, she moved forward and shut many soldiers and came back with a shut in her breast. Moreover, she fell down and died. This show the power and strength by the women fighters in 2nd Lt. Malathy Brigade.
It was the second Normandy fight in the world history. This time the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam carried it out in the morning on 26.06.2000 at Kudarappu.