Vagai tree is considered to be one of the most ancient trees in the heritage of the Tamil homeland. During the Sangam period, garlands from flowers of vagai tree were laid for the victors of the war. It is possible to understand the extent to which vagai tree has been associated with Tamils through the Sangam period tradition. There are many types of vagai tree. “Iyavagai” is indigenous to the Tamil homeland. Other species are found in many countries.
Vagai tree is called syrissa tree in English. It’s called Mimosa Flexuosa in Latin. Its botanical name is albizza odaritissma. Parts of the vagai tree are also used in paranormal medicine.
It grows to a maximum height of 25 meters. The branches are broad and like an umbrella. The vagai tree is mostly seen in South Asian region . As it is a dry zone plant, Tamil Nadu in India and Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka have become its heritage habitat.
It requires an average annual rainfall of 800 to 1000 mm. It is propagated by seeds and stems. Seeds should be soaked in hot water for 24 hours to germinate quickly. Its main enemy is a kind of worms. They can erode the leaves and cause damage. It is also grown in farms for firewood.