Prior to becoming the head of CWDR, Kalaimakal was also the political coordinator for an area in Vanni thus indicative of her administrative skills. Having joined the LTTE as a cadre, Kalaimakal had engaged in battles in Batticaloa during the 1990s. However, she was injured in her stomach during Operation Jayasikurui and lost the ability to bear children. After marrying a fellow LTTE cadre, the couple adopted a young girl as their daughter. In addition to collating statistics, Kalaimakal had also been living among destitute women and their children in March 2009 to further provide them assistance and support even in the final stage of the armed conflict. Kalaimakal’s political, military and administrative skills presented her as an unwavering cadre but also a leader who would guide future generations and could thus account for her enforced disappearance.