Piraisudi (Captain David) Memorial Sharing – He is one of the founders of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) International Ship and one of the closest friends of the Tamil Eelam National Leader.
In 1983 was Aiya Piraisudi, a native of Vadamarachchi, Tamileelam.
When LTTE was thinking about starting a merchant shipping service for the development of the movement, the national leader got information about Piraisudi from Kittu’s brother.
Piraisudi was a part in the government of Sri Lanka. He was deeply against when the government decided and made a rule which said: Tamil workers in the government should learn Singhala langauage and pass the test very well. Piraisudi was one the important person who resigns his job in the government due to the rule made by Srilankan Government.
When national leader heard about Piraisudi and the reason of his resignment, the national leader sent senior members of the LTTE
Pandit and Raghuvappa to meet Piraisudi.
These two liberation Tigers went with Kiddu’s elder brother to the house of Piraisudi. They said to Piraisudi that the national Leader sent them and they explained him about their plan of starting a merchant shipping service. Piraisudi welcomed the plans and also gave them 1 lacks to start the project. Raghuvappa invited Piraisudi to visit him in Chennai. Piraisudi did it and then he went to meet the national leader.
The national leader explained their views in details to Piraisudi. He was whole in with the plan and immediately start by working for the project. Due to the project Piraisudi and Raghuvappa went to Bombay to make preparations for it.
When the national leader said to Piraisudi to move his family to Chennai, Piraisudi answered the national leader that his family is now living in Tamileelam without trouble. Let then be their and let us see the situation later. Piraisudi was willing to think about Tamileelam first and family after it.
After some years Piraisudi left Chennai to Singapore where he effectively worked for the project.
By 1985, the national leader’s dream had come true with the purchase of the LTTE’s first merchant ship, the Cholan. The ‘Cholan’ ship successfully started a commercial service and played a major role in raising funds for the movement. At no time was the Cholan ship loaded with weapons or prohibited items.
There is no doubt that the name of Mr. Piraisudi, known as ‘Captain David’, who spent most of his life for the LTTE and its development, will always be rememebered in Tamil Eelam.