detection methods, indicates there are Note that the satellite imagery from 6 March 2009 did decreased, forcing thousands of IDPs arriving in late coastline as well as on deforested land, recently approximately 31,400 buildings / shelters within the not cover the southern portion of the CSZ and thus February and early March to locate their tents on cleared for new settlement. Analysis was done with CSZ and approximately 800 additional shelters the total shelter count is likely to be higher. The marginal lands previously avoided by earlier IDP WorldView-1 satellite imagery from 5, 18-19 immediately outside the zone as of 6 March 2009. count from 5 February (2,650) represented almost all arrivals in the CSZ. As the three satellite imagery February & QuickBird imagery from 6 March 2009. This is an increase of approximately 18,200 from fixed buildings, and not tent shelters associated with focus maps illustrate below, thousands of IDP This is an initial assessment and has not been the count estimate of 13,200 on 19 February, and a IDP presence. Because of this rapid influx of IDPs, shelters have been erected in wetland areas prone to verified in the field.
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