
Chart showing possible translations for Indus symbols,

Chart showing possible translations for Indus symbols, and how they influence concepts in Hinduism.

It is theorized that the symbols aren’t letters in an alphabet, but represent ideas or entities. For example: if you want to depict the word “leave” as in “I am leaving the room”, you may choose to draw a picture of a “leaf”. Although the words sound similar, there are two distinct meanings. Likewise, this approach looks for alternative meanings to the literal translations of Indus symbols.

The first column shows the Indus symbol found on seals/tablets excavated from archeological sites. The second column shows the literal translation and the Proto-Dravidian words for those translations. The third column shows the Old Tamil name that corresponds to the Proto-Dravidian translation. This is where the alternative meaning for the symbol is introduced. The fourth column shows modern names for the entity being described in the Indus symbol. The fifth column lists some attributes of the entities in Hinduism, emphasizing connections to the Indus symbol. – Umash NallaiNathan


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