
**A 2,100-Year-Old Tamil Script Inscribed Pottery Shard Found in Egypt!**

**A 2,100-Year-Old Tamil Script Inscribed Pottery Shard Found in Egypt!**

For a long time, I have been searching for the photograph of an ancient Tamil script-inscribed pottery shard found at the ancient port of Quseir al-Quadim on the Red Sea coast of Egypt. This shard, inscribed with the word “Kanan (or Kannan),” was featured as a sketch in the book *”Tholliyal Nookil Sangakalam”* (Archaeological Perspective of the Sangam Age) by the archaeologist and professor, Dr. K. Rajan. However, apart from this sketch, no other details or photographs of this shard seemed to be available. I inquired with many people, but no one seemed to have the photograph, and it was uncertain if even the author had it.

Finally, I contacted Donald S. Whitcomb and Janet H. Johnson, who had conducted three phases of excavations between 1978 and 1982 under the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Shortly after, I received a reply from Janet Johnson, who kindly sent me the photograph of the shard. My thanks to her. Here is the photograph for your viewing.

**Myos Hormos (present-day Quseir al-Quadim) – Egypt**

*Inscriptions: Kanan, Sadan*

At the ancient port of Quseir al-Quadim, located on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, two pottery shards inscribed with Tamil script were discovered during excavations led by Donald S. Whitcomb and Janet H. Johnson of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago between 1978 and 1982. This site is located 8 km north of the modern city of Quseir. In Greek records, this place is identified as “Myos Hormos.”

Two shards with Tamil script inscriptions were found here. The inscriptions read “Kanan [kanan (or) kannan]” and “Sadan [catan (or) cattan (or) chatan],” which likely refer to Tamil merchants named Kannan and Sathan. These artifacts date back to the 1st century CE, during the Roman period. This port was a significant hub and had trade relations with the ports of Sangam-era Tamil Nadu.

வரலாற்றுக்_காலத்திற்கு_முற்பட்ட புத்தகம் இணைப்பு

தொல்லியல்_பயிற்சி_திருவண்ணாமலை புத்தகம் இணைப்பு


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