
Chinnasamy is known as the first person to perform altruistic suicide to preserve their native tongue

He woke up with a clear intent on 25.01.1964, and decide to perform

Chinnasamy is known as the first person to perform altruistic suicide to preserve their native tongue, he was born on 30.07.1937 in Kilpapalvuur near Ariyalur to the Arumugam-Thangathammal couple.

He was bought up with a great sense of self-respect & pride in being indigenous tamil engaging in agriculture on his native land. His wife was Kamala & their’s daughter’s name is Dravidachelvi.

Upon hearing the worrying announcement & pending enactment of the  ‘Government Language Act’, Chinnasamy went to Chennai and met the then Chief Minister at Thiagaraya Nagar railway station and fell on his feet begging him to save & preserve the ethnic Tamil language. Disregarded, Ignored & overlooked by the powers there be, he returned defeated to Trichy with a sense of neglect.

He woke up with a clear intent on 25.01.1964, and decide to perform benevolent suicide by setting himself on fire at Trichy Railway station in the morning .

With his last breath he screamed ;

“Long Live Tamil, Down with Hindi!”.

He fainted & diminished from the world.


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