
Periyapandivrichchan massacre­ 15.10.1986

Periyapandivirichchan village is in the Madhu Assistant Government Agent division in Mannar district. The village has rice fields adjoining large forests.

On 15.10.1986, one of the villagers, Rasanayagam was working in his vegetable plot. His two daughters returned home from school. After

having lunch the two girls took lunch for their father working in the farm. The person who guards the next farm, Joseph Francis aged 72, the father and two daughters were sitting in the small hut in the farm.
The Sri Lankan military that came through the forest fired towards the farm. A little later they arrived at the farm and started attacking Rasanayagam. His daughter was tortured and her breasts and vagina were cut. Joseph Francis was also cut into pieces.

The military left the place after this attack. Rasanayagam and the other daughter escaped with injuries.


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