Tamil Rehabilitation Organization ( Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation ) nonprofit, non-governmental relief organization. The company provides services in war, natural disaster, disaster relief, reconstruction and economic development in Sri Lanka, especially in Tamil region. Formed in 1984 in Tamil Nadu (India) by Tamils and Eelam Tamils, it has been operating as a multinational organization providing assistance to Tamils. Many countries have stated that the organization is not part of the LTTE and that they are only working with with them on projects. Some countries like United States of America and Sri Lanka that refuse to fully accept that claim. A US report has pointed out that the Tamil Rehabilitation Association is operating under the auspices of the LTTE.
Tamil Rehabilitation Center has been working in all parts of Sri Lanka since 2002. Awarded by the then President of Sri Lanka in 2005 for his efficient handling of the tsunami disaster. That same year, the United Nations and the United States’ former president praised the projects of TRO during the tsunami disaster. In 2007, the Sri Lankan government unilaterally shut down Rehabilitation Bank’s bank account. Meanwhile, seven rehabilitation workers were abducted and killed in the Eastern Province with the support of Sri Lankan government forces. The Rehabilitation Center subsequently filed a case in the Colombo High Court.
In 2008, the Sri Lankan government convicted the Executive Officer of the International Rehabilitation Centre Mr. K P Reji and later released him. Rehabilitation Center served the people of the Vanni until the final battle of Mullivaikkal in 2009. During the process, more than 40 rehabilitators have since been killed. Several officials have been arrested and detained without trial, including the head of a rehabilitation centre who surrendered to the Sri Lankan government after the war.
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