
The Thandiyadi Maveerar Thuyilumillam is in Batticola.

Batticola – The Thandiyadi Maveerar Thuyilumillam had been completley demolished and a police station had been built in this area. The region was captured by troops during a massive operation in Paduvankari. Following this capture, the location of the Maveerar Thuiyulumillams in Vagarai and Thandiyadi were destroyed by the SLA.

The LTTE had set up the Thandiyadi Maveerar Tuilumillam in a magnificent manner and erected memorials and tombs in this location. SLA troops occupied the area and have demolishi memorials and bulldozed tombs. Currently a police station is being built on the site.

Currently, a large Special Forces camp is being set up in an area of ​​Thuyilumillam. The presence of SLA soldiers here has caused great sorrow among people, as these SLA soldiers have destroyed the site dedicated to Maveerar. SLA troops are presently staying in the region and have established camps.


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