

The memorial of Commander Lt. Colonel Wictor

Lt. Colonel Wictor as Marusalan Piuslees was born in 1963 in the village of Pannangaddikottu in Mannar. He was educated […]...
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Today is the memorial day of the first maveerar of women in LTTE – 2nd Lt. Malathy 

Today is the memorial day of the first maveerar of women in LTTE – 2nd Lt. Malathy  “2nd Lt. Malathy […]...
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Today is the memorial day of 12 freedom fighters with Lt.  Colonel Kumarappa and Lt. Colonel Pulenthiran.

Today is memorial day of 12 freedom fighters with Lt.  Colonel Kumarappa and Lt. Colonel Pulenthiran. They were arrested in Jaffna Bay […]...
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Where is Our Sutharshan?

Sutheashan was not only a great medical warrior and beloved by militant patients, but later as a young dentist, he […]...
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When the LTTE merchant ship was attacked

Tamil Tigers supremo V. Prabhakaran (Thalaivar) had instructed his militants in international waters to bring two newly designed boats from […]...
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This is the story of two of the lovers of Eelam who were overthrown by the fascist forces.

My political class teacher would often claim Fredrich Engels’ claim that Marx died when Jenny died.  When I searched for […]...
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Lt. Junaidin (Johnson), the first Muslim hero of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

Maveeran Lt. Janaideen The first Muslim hero of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam is Lt. Junaideen (Johnson)! Muslims played […]...
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P Thamilchelvan joined the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

P Thamilchelvan joined the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 1984. He trained at the 4th LTTE training camp […]...
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Major Ganes

The fall of a mountain! His death was not the fall of a leaf but the fall of a mountain. […]...
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Ellalan operation on the Sri Lanka Air Force Base in Anuradhapura on 22/10/2007.

Tribute to the heroic 21 Black Tigers during the Ellalan operation on the Sri Lanka Air Force Base in Anuradhapura […]...
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