
Today is Raja-raja Cholan’s birthday.

Today is Raja-raja Cholan’s birthday. Our forefather would have been ? years of age.

– I honour you grandfather, for Tamilians of Eelam, the Cholas are not paternal but rather maternal. We do not place our faith solely in language proficiency, if we want to survive as an ethnicity within the modern world of Intellectuals and global influencers, we must lead our struggle with the weapon of indigenous knowledge. To emerge victorious in economic conflicts, we must stand firm and secure triumph.

That would be the testament of our devotion we hold to our Chola empire and to our Tiger flag. “Declare Tamil, the Liberty-defending Chola empire will once again direct it’s effort on scientific knowledge” Long live the Tamil kingdom who gave the world famous Tamil temple in Thanjavur, From the lands where waves that collided in the oceans three times over, long live the conqueror of the Seas… Long live the one bestowed with honor.. Long live Cholam , Long live Cholam Dynasty !


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