Couplets / kuratpaakal
Couplet 1251
Of womanly reserve love’s axe breaks through the door,
Barred by the bolt of shame before.
The axe of lust can break the door of chastity which is bolted with the bolt of modesty.
Kaamak Kanichchi Utaikkum Niraiyennum
Naanuththaazh Veezhththa Kadhavu.
Couplet 1252
What men call love is the one thing of merciless power;
It gives my soul no rest, e’en in the midnight hour.
Even at midnight is my mind worried by lust, and this one thing, alas! is without mercy.
Kaamam Enavondro Kannindren Nenjaththai
Yaamaththum Aalum Thozhil.
Couplet 1253
I would my love conceal, but like a sneeze
It shows itself, and gives no warning sign.
I would conceal my lust, but alas, it yields not to my will but breaks out like a sneeze.
Maraippenman Kaamaththai Yaano Kurippindrith
Thummalpol Thondri Vitum.
Couplet 1254
In womanly reserve I deemed myself beyond assail;
But love will come abroad, and casts away the veil.
I say I would be firm, but alas, my malady breaks out from its concealment and appears in public.
Niraiyutaiyen Enpenman Yaanoen Kaamam
Maraiyirandhu Mandru Patum.
Couplet 1255
The dignity that seeks not him who acts as foe,
Is the one thing that loving heart can never know.
The dignity that would not go after an absent lover is not known to those who are sticken by love.
Setraarpin Sellaap Perundhakaimai Kaamanoi
Utraar Arivadhondru Andru.
Couplet 1256
My grief how full of grace, I pray you see!
It seeks to follow him that hateth me.
The sorrow I have endured by desiring to go after my absent lover, in what way is it excellent?.
Setravar Pinseral Venti Aliththaro
Etrennai Utra Thuyar.
Couplet 1257
No sense of shame my gladdened mind shall prove,
When he returns my longing heart to bless with love.
I know nothing like shame when my beloved does from love (just) what is desired (by me).
Naanena Ondro Ariyalam Kaamaththaal
Peniyaar Petpa Seyin.
Couplet 1258
The words of that deceiver, versed in every wily art,
Are instruments that break through every guard of woman’s heart.
Are not the enticing words of my trick-abounding roguish lover the weapon that breaks away my feminine firmness?.
Panmaayak Kalvan Panimozhi Andronam
Penmai Utaikkum Patai.
Couplet 1259
‘I ‘ll shun his greeting’; saying thus with pride away I went:
I held him in my arms, for straight I felt my heart relent.
I said I would feign dislike and so went (away); (but) I embraced him the moment I say my mind began to unite with him!.
Pulappal Enachchendren Pullinen Nenjam
Kalaththal Uruvadhu Kantu.
Couplet 1260
‘We ‘ll stand aloof and then embrace’: is this for them to say,
Whose hearts are as the fat that in the blaze dissolves away.
Is it possible for those whose hearts melt like fat in the fire to say they can feign a strong dislike and remain so?.
Ninandheeyil Ittanna Nenjinaarkku Unto
Punarndhooti Nirpem Enal.